Problems with the Litter Box

Problems with the Litter Box

When your cat has the same mentality towards the litter box that you do when you have to clean it, it is time to help your furry pal out. If you notice that your cat has developed some odd behaviours towards their litter box, take them to the vet for a check-up immediately. This can be common in cats and can even cause them to stop using the litterbox. This means that your favourite spot on the couch or that expensive but gorgeous rug that you just had to have, could be up for grabs in their journey to find their new litterbox. Before it gets to this stage, there are a few medical and behaviour conditions to look out for.

Your cat’s health and happiness are the most important parts of this process. Therefore, it is best to have a vet check for any health conditions that can stop your cat from using the litter box. These can include: Feline Idiopathic Cystitis, Urinary Tract infections and Bladder Stones or a blockage. Once these medical conditions have been ruled out, then there are a few reasons why your cat could be eliminating the litter box:

  • You may need to thoroughly clean the litterbox more.
  • There needs to be more litterboxes around the house.
  • Their litterbox is the wrong size; it could be too small.
  • Your cat is having trouble accessing the litterbox.
  • There could be a hood or liner on the litterbox that makes their experience uncomfortable.
  • There is too much litter in the box, as cats can prefer 1-2 inches of litter rather than 3-4 inches.
  • Your cat could have experienced something stressful while using the litterbox.
  • Multiple cats in the household can impact which cat can use the litterbox.

To help your cat rekindle their love with the litterbox, there are a few tips and tricks you can use. We want to make the litterbox feel like it is a safe and desirable place. Cats will need to spend a large portion of the day here, so let’s make it fun and inviting.

  • Ensure you change their litterbox once a day.
  • Try not to use any liner or lids.
  • NEVER rub your cat’s nose in their business if they have gone to the toilet outside of their litterbox. This does not help the situation as it will make them feel more stressed and does not rectify any of the problems at hand.
  • Clean the litterbox thoroughly with baking soda and warm water once a week. This will also help to eliminate any smells.
  • Make sure the litter is shallow by keeping the level 1-2 inches deep.
  • If their litterbox is placed somewhere that is too bright or loud, you can move it around the house until you find a location that your cat prefers.
  • Having multiple litterboxes around the house can work well especially if there are many cats living in one household. Each cat should have their own litterbox. You should also have a spare litterbox in the house.
  • When there are children and other pets in the environment, ensure they do not hang around the cat while they are using the litterbox.


Your cat’s relationship with the litterbox should not be scary or stressful. Through the above steps, you can help make the environment safe and warm for your furry family member to do their business.


–Written by United Vets Group —